
How would you assess his rise to power?

It is simply brilliant.

Is it? How?

He is a master manipulator.He wants only success,whatever be the means.

If it is brilliant,what is not?

That I can't say,and nor am I bothered.

Morality does not count?

It is of many hues.There is political morality,business morality,professional morality,and what not.

If you wade through blood to power,what kind of morality is it?

Don't forget politics is for power,and it is only power that counts.

So,there is bankruptcy in every field.

When you are in power, you command respect and awe because you can punish and reward.

You have power sans authority.

That matters little when you are in a position of power to enjoy life at the expense of the public and can dole out favours as well as  award punishment at will.

Is it morally correct?

People,by and large, accept it.Those who are against it stoically remain passive-they are a miniscule minority.

Then we should live with it?

Let's see.

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