Savage vs Civilized

Savage vs Civilized           
     Nidhu Bhusan Das        
The Bangalis of West Bengal who claim to be proud of the first non-European Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore who,they
tend to tell the world,is their cultural icon,is ,sadly,reluctant to remember the wise sayings of the sage-poet.They failed to remember on 10 February 2016 that Tagore says,"Wild life is beautiful only in the wild" when they teased and hurt an elephant that strayed into the open just crossing the edge of the depleted Baikunthapur forest which has been made to shrink to make room for the expansion of  the sprawling Siliguri town.                               
Media report suggests the herbivore was on its way back to the forest when a few overzealous locals began to tease the pachy                                              
derm.Face to face with the civilized animals,the noble savage got to be taken aback and made its uncharted journey into the civilized territory to be disturbed by the insane mob that encircled and hurt it.The denizen of the wild might have been sad to see the cruel and crazy behaviour of the "rational animals".The mobocracy of the civilized animals puzzled the noble savage,and the personnel of the wild life squad had a tough time to rescue the innocent creature from the siege of the cruel and insane mob,that too to the peril of helpless noble beast.They had to administer sleeping pills from a long distance blindly to tame it for rescue.It is reported the pachyderm collapsed after it had been transported and released in the Mahananda Sanctuary.

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